Playlista 2018.02.21

Artur Chachlowski

New albums od Perfect Beings, Infinitwav, Fractal Mirror, Tautologic and Tim Orders

1. PERFECT BEINGS Guedra: A New Pyramid  5:00  "Vier"  2018 
2. PERFECT BEINGS Vibrational: The System And Beyond 7:05 "Vier" 2018
3. PERFECT BEINGS Vibrational: Mysteries, Not Answers 2:55 "Vier" 2018
4. PERFECT BEINGS Vibrational: Altars Of The Gods 3:35 "Vier" 2018
5. PERFECT BEINGS Vibrational: Everyone At Once 1:40 "Vier" 2018
6. PERFECT BEINGS Vibrational: Insomnia 3:30 "Vier" 2018
7. PERFECT BEINGS Annunaki: Lord Wind 2:10 "Vier" 2018
8. FRACTAL MIRROR Close To Vapour  7:25  "Close To Vapour"  2018 
9. FRACTAL MIRROR Snow  2:05  "Close To Vapour"  2018 
10. FRACTAL MIRROR Tabula Rasa  5:40  "Close To Vapour  2018 
11. FRACTAL MIRROR The Ever Rain  5:20  "Close To Vapour"  2018 
12. TAUTOLOGIC The Whistler  3:15  "Re:Psychle"  2018 
13. TAUTOLOGIC Coltrane Supermarket  4:15  "Re:Psychle" 2018
14. TIM ORDERS Szybko 5:25  "Songs For Nobody"  2017 
15. TIM ORDERS I Had A Dream 3:15  "Songs For Nobody"  2017 
16. TIM ORDERS I Am Cooling Off  4:15  "Songs For Nobody"  2017 
17. Alan SIMON I'm Not The Only One  4:10  "Excalibur IV: The Dark Age Of Dragon"  2017 
18. Neal MORSE You + Me + Everything  4:30  "Life & Times"  2018 
19. THE GARDENING CLUB The Stone That Speaks  5:10  "The Gardening Club"  1983/2018 
20. THE GARDENING CLUB Endersby's Ride in 3 Parts: Endersby Meets The Team 3:45 "The Gardening Club" 1983/2018
21. THE GARDENING CLUB Endersby's Ride in 3 Parts: Aerial Adventures 3:05 "The Gardening Club" 1983/2018
22. THE GARDENING CLUB Endersby's Ride In 3 Parts: Endersby Meets The Chef 5:15 "The Gardening Club" 1983/2018
23. INFINITWAV There Are Only 5 Tribes 5:05 "Humans" 2018
24. INFINITWAV Three 5:00 "Humans" 2018


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