Playlista 2024.01.17

Artur Chachlowski

Opening of the MLWZ.PL's annual Poll for the Best Prog Albums of 2023

1. COLLAGE What About The Pain  8:35 "Over And Out" 2022 
2. COLLAGE Man In The Middle  9:10  "Over And Out"  2022 
3. PORCUPINE TREE Herd Culling  6:25  "Closure / Continuation"  2022 
4. GHOST OF THE MACHINE January's Child 7:35  "Scissorgames"  2022 
5. Steve HACKETT Supper's Ready  25:05  "Genesis Revisited Live: Seconds Out & More"  2022 
6. Maciej MELLER Heroes  6:50  "In Concert - Live After Zenith"  2024 
7. TIM ORDERS H 7:55 "O wszystkim co ważne" 2024 
8. TIM ORDERS Rak  5:00  "O wszystkim co ważne"  2024 
9. TIM ORDERS O wszystkim co ważne  5:15  "O wszystkim co ważne"  2024 
10. NARYAN Nuclear 5:35  single  2023 
11. Neal MORSE Cosmic Mess  6:10  "Joseph: Part Two - The Restoration"  2024 
12. Steve HACKETT Wherever You Are  4:20  "The Circus And The Nightwhale"  2024 


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