Nowy studyjny album Johna Holdena

Andrzej Barwicki

Pochodzący z Cheshire w Anglii multiinstrumentalista i kompozytor John Holden 26 marca br. powraca z nowym albumem zatytułowanym "Circles in Time".

Lista utworów:

  1. Avalanche (6:18)
  2. High Line (6:58)
  3. The Secret Of Chapel Field (7:36)
  4. Dreams Of Cadiz (5:17)
  5. Circles (5:47)
  6. KV62 (19:23)



John Holden - Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Orchestration,

     oraz gościnnie:

Robin Armstrong (Cosmograf) - Bass (5)

Marc Atkinson (Riversea, Lee Abraham, Nine Stones Close, Moon Halo) - Vocals (3)

Zaid Crowe - Guitar (6)

Oliver Day (Fragile) - Acoustic Guitars, Mandolin (3, 4)

Nick D’Virgilio (Spock's Beard, Kevin Gilbert, Big Big Train) - Drums, Handpan (1, 2, 6)

Frank Van Essen (Iona) - Violin, Viola (2, 3)

Peter Jones (Tiger Moth Tales, Red Bazar, Camel) - Vocals, Saxophone (2, 6)

Sally Minnear - Vocals (3, 5)

Jean Pageau (Mystery) - Vocals (1)

Eric Potapenko - Guitar (1, 2)

That Joe Payne (The Enid) - Vocals (6)

Henry Rogers (Final Conflict, Touchstone, Edison's Children) - Drums (4, 5)

Vikram Shankar (Redemption) - Piano & Keyboards

Jeremy Irons - Narration (6)

Elizabeth Holden - Backing Vocals & ‘The Water Boy’


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