Templeton Pek - Signs

Kev Rowland

ImageWhen I first put this album on I had to a double-take as I wasn’t sure what I expected but I knew that this wasn’t it, as here is a UK trio that is heavily influenced by Rise Against, The Offspring, Funeral For A Friend and others. This is a fun album, with in your face melodies being driven by a hard edge and the only thing to do when playing this album is to have a smile on your face. This is what music is all about, providing entertainment and boy does this entertain. It certainly doesn’t sound as if this has been put together by Brummies, but has a transatlantic lightness to it that provides some polish to the riffs. This is the third full-length release from the guys, but the first to come out on a major label, and I am sure that with the tight support these guys are going to become far more widely known than they are already.

If you want melodic rock with a punkish hard rocking edge then look no further. Lead singer and bassist Neal Mitchell has this to say, “Some of our songs sound like they were influenced by Rise Against, sure, but this genre of music is heavily cluttered with bands like them. Even though it’s not rocket science to make these songs, it’s hard to make them stand out. We take elements of things in music that we like, but not necessarily from genres of music. Ultimately, we just want to write the best songs we can. At the end of the day we don’t really care about what genre those influences might have come from.” The end result is a fine album that is well worth investigating. For more details visit www.centurymedia.de  

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