Clive Nolan: "I'm just back from a photo session at the Playhouse Theatre. We gathered members of the Chorus and some of the lead characters for some costume shots that will feature in the 'Alchemy' programme. I must say it was exciting to see how the costumes have been developing. We are not finished yet, but here were some very impressive developments. Realistic, colourful and dynamic, with just a little steampunk thrown in… very nice! Neil Palfreyman came along to take the photos, and having seen some already, I think they will be a great addition to the programme!
The mood in the 'Alchemy' camp is very positive and I think we can all feel that the shows are not far away now. There is still much to do before 'Alchemy' opens on the 5th September, but I can now see signs of a real show… and believe me… that's a relief!".
picture: Mark Buckingham