Christmas 4

Playlista 2007.03.14

Artur Chachlowski

New albums of Threshold, Ryan Parmenter, William Gray and FeedForward

 1. BOSTON Man I'll Never Be 6:35  "Don't Look Back"  1978 
 2. MARILLION The Wound 7:05 "Somewhere Else" 2007
 3. THRESHOLD Slipstream 4:50 "Dead Reckoning" 2007
 4. THRESHOLD Pilot In The Sky Of Dreams 9:45 "Dead Reckoning" 2007


 Intro 0:25 "Living Fossils" 2007
 6. WILLIAM GRAY Darkest Side 7:10 "Living Fossils" 2007


 Prossession I 1:50 "Living Fossils" 2007
 8. WILLIAM GRAY Fading Points 7:20 "Living Fossils" 2007
 9. David MYERS Blood On The Rooftops 5:00 "David Myers Plays Genesis" 2006


 Blood On The Rooftops 5:25 "Wind & Wuthering" 1976
 11. FEED FORWARD Fade Away 6:20 "Barefoot & Naked" 2007
 12. FEED FORWARD Stop To Think 7:20 "Barefoot & Naked" 2007
 13. CARPTREE Evening Sadness 5:55 "Insekt" 2007
 14. PANGAEA Time 4:55 V.A. "Progressive Rock Covers" 2007
 15. HALLOWEEN House With No Door 4:05 V.A. "Progressive Rock Covers" 2007
 16. SOLSTICE You 3:15 the lost non-Solstice album 1988
 17. Ryan PARMENTER Dream 4:10 "The Noble Knave" 2007 
 18. Ryan PARMENTER All Ways 4:45 "The Noble Knave" 2007
 19. Ryan PARMENTER Come Along 4:25 "The Noble Knave" 2007
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