Playlista 2015.06.17

Artur Chachlowski

New albums of Charlie Barnes, Serpentine, Finister and Inner Odyssey

 1. THE BEATLES  Hello Goodbye  3:25 single 1967
 2. Charlie BARNES  MackbethMackbethMackbeth 3:50 "More Stately Mansions" 2015
 3. Charlie BARNES  More Stately Mansions 3:30 "More Stately Mansions" 2015
 4. Charlie BARNES Baloons 4:40 "More Stately Mansions" 2015
 5. MUSE  Aftermath 5:45 "Drones" 2015
 6. CHEAP TOBACCO  Mesmerised 6:20 "Promises Of Tomorrow" 2015
 7. TOTO  Hold The line 3:55 "Toto" 1978
 8. TOTO  Africa 4:50 "IV" 1982
 9. TOTO  Rosanna 5:30 "IV" 1982
 10. TOTO  Running Out Of Time 4:05 "XIV" 2015
 11. CAMEL  Stationary Traveller 5:30 "Stationary Traveller" 1984
 12. FM Heaven On Earth 4:00 "Transformation" 2015
 13. FM Krakow 4:30 "City Of Fear" 1980
 14. FINISTER  The Morning Star 4:25 "Suburbs Of Mind" 2015
 15. FINISTER  My Howl 6:55 "Suburbs Of Mind" 2015
 16. INNER ODYSSEY  Where Am I Here? 5:40 "Ascension" 2015
 17. INNER ODYSSEY  Where It Begins, Where It End 10:00 "Ascension" 2015
 18. SERPENTYNE  A Rosebud In June 6:20 "Myths And Muses" 2015 
 19. SERPENTYNE Pastyme With Good Company 4:40 "Myths And Muses" 2015
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