Christmas 7

Playlista 2006.03.22

Artur Chachlowski

New albums of Clay Withrow, Vanden Plas, Strangefish and Pax Romana

 1. Clay WITHROW  Opening Theme  1:25  "Dissonance Rising"   2006
 2. Clay WITHROW  The Grinding Part 1  7:05  "Dissonance Rising"  2006
 3. Clay WITHROW  Dream For A Prisoner  2:05  "Dissonance Rising"  2006
 4. VANDEN PLAS  Christ.O  5:35


 5. VANDEN PLAS  Fireroses Dance  6:00



 Lost In Silence

 4:05  "Christ.O"  2006
 7. STRANGEFISH  KeepThe Exits Clear  6:55  "Fortune Telling"  2005
 8. STRANGEFISH  Ignorance Of Bliss  8:25  "Fortune Telling"  2005
 9. Neal MORSE

 There Is Life

 4:05  "Send The Fire"  2006
 10. THE BEATLES  Birthday  2:40  "The Beatles"  1968
 11. THE FLOWER KINGS  Minor Giant Steps  12:10  "Paradox Hotel"  2006
 12. PAX ROMANA  Pilgrim  7:55  "Trace Of Light"  2005
 13. PAX ROMANA  Moonlight Meadow  6:30  "Trace Of Light"  2005
 14. BELIEVE  Liar  6:55  "Hope To See Another Day"  2006
 14. BELIEVE  Pain  5:15  "Hope To See Another Day"  2006
 15. Clay WITHROW  Of Endings  1:50  "Dissonance Rising"  2006
 16 Clay WITHROW  Ending Credits  2:40  "Dissonance Rising"  2006
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