Playlista 2020.05.06

Artur Chachlowski

New albums of Glass Hammer, Pattern-Seeking Animals, Khymera, Blacklight, Wave, Magenta and Roman Odoj

1. PATTERN-SEEKING ANIMALS Why Don't We Run?  5:05  "Prehensile Tales"  2020 
2. PATTERN-SEEKING ANIMALS Soon But Not Today  12:00  "Prehensile Tales"  2020 
3. KANSAS Throwing Mountains  6:20  "The Absence Of Presence"  2020
4. KHYMERA Master Of Illusions  4:30  "Master Of Illusions"  2020 
5. KHYMERA Just Let It Happen  5:05  "Master Of Illusions"  2020 
6. JAGIELLO Miriam  6:15  "Myślidołek" EP  2020 
7. BLACKLIGHT My Cloud  4:35  "Follow The Future"  2020 
8. BLACKLIGHT When I See You 4:50 "Follow The Future" 2020
9. Roman ODOJ Fiasco 6:25  "Fiasko"  2020 
10. Roman ODOJ One Of You  5:50  "Fiasko"  2020 
11. MAGENTA The Lizard King  6:00  "Acapela 2016 & 2017"  2020 
12. GLASS HAMMER A Desperate Man  4:05  "Dreaming City"  2020 
13. GLASS HAMMER Watchman Of The Walls  11:35  "Dreaming City"  2020 
14. WAVE Hyper  8:45  "Dream"  2020 
15. WAVE Dream  7:15  "Dream"  2020 
16. SURREAL Orion  5:20  single  2020 


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