Playlista 2022.04.06

Artur Chachlowski

New abums of Pattern-Seeking Animals, Strange Pop, Adventure, Kaprekar's Constant and PreHistoric Animals

1. MARILLION Murder Machines   4:10  "An Hour Before It's Dark"  2022 
2. PROAGE Piger  4:05   "Coelum" 2022 
3. STRANGE POP Night Trip  5:45  "Ten Years Gone"  2022 
4. STRANGE POP Quiet Storm  5:45  "Ten Years Gone"  2022 
5. Bjorn RIIS Every Second Every Hour  13:15  "Everything To Everyone"  2022 
6. ADVENTURE Rumors Say  3:15  "Tales Of Belle, Part I - Across The Ocean"  2022 
7. ADVENTURE Hell's Belle  5:05  "Tales Of Belle, Part I - Across The Ocean"  2022 
8. ADVENTURE The Journey Begins  1:05  "Tales Of Belle, Part I - Across The Ocean"  2022 
9. ADVENTURE Too Far  4:20  "Tales Of Belle, Part I - Across The Ocean"  2022 
10. KAPREKAR'S CONSTANT Prologue  4:55  "The Murder Wall"  2022 
11. KAPREKAR'S CONSTANT Tall Tales By Firelight  5:00 "The Murder Wall" 2022
12. KAPREKAR'S CONSTANT Third Man Down  7:00  "The Murder Wall"  2022
13. PATTERN-SEEKING ANIMALS Everdark Mountain  2:50  "Only Passing Through"  2022 
14. PATTERN-SEEKING ANIMALS Only Passing Through  4:15  "Only Passing Through"  2022 
15. PATTERN-SEEKING ANIMALS Just Another Day At TheBeach  3:30  "Only Passing Through"  2022 
16. PREHISTORIC ANIMALS Pull Me In  3:20  "The Magical Mystery Machine - Chapter Two"  2022 
17. PREHISTORIC ANIMALS It's A Start, Not The End  9:10  "The Magical Mystery Machine - Chapter Two"  2022 
18. KITE PARADE Letting Go  7:10  "The Way Home"  2022 
19. TIGER MOTH TALES The Goddess And The Green Man  2:40  "A Song Of Spring"  2022 


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