Christmas 10

Playlista 2004.03.10

Artur Chachlowski

New albums of Alias Eye, London Underground and Shaun Guerin

 1. MISTER KITE  Do Your Worst  6:15  "Box Of Fear"  2004
 2. ALIAS EYE  Icarus Unworded  6:30  "A Different Point Of You"  2004
 3. ALIAS EYE  The Great Open  7:25  "A Different Point Of You"  2004
 4. Shaun GUERIN  Juliet  4:15  "The Epic Quality Of Life"  2004
 5. FISH  Shot The Craw  6:20  "Field Of Crows"  2004
 6. FISH  Scattering Crows  5:05  "Field Of Crows"  2004
 7. FISH  Shadowplay  4:05  "Krakow"  1998
 8. FISH  Fugazi  3:20  "Krakow"  1998
 9. FISH  Slainthe Mhath  4:50  "Krakow"  1998
 10. LONDON UNDERGROUND  End Of The Race  3:40  "Through A Glass Darkly"  2003
 11. LONDON UNDERGROUND  Can't Find The Reason  3:40  "Through A Glass Darkly"  2003
 12. LONDON UNDERGROUND  Analonihum  5:30  "Through A Glass Darkly"  2003
 13. MAGRATHEA  When Legends Come Alive  6:40  "Legends Remain" EP  2004
 14. Glenn ALEXANDER  Computer God  5:30  demo  2004
 15. Shaun GUERIN  Say Goodbye  5:55  "The Epic Quality Of Life"  2004
 16. CLEARLIGHT  Movement III  12:25  "Infinite Symphony"  2004
 17. ALIAS EYE  Too Much Tolouse  3:15  "A Different Point Of You"  2004
 18. ALIAS EYE  Drifting  6:10  "A Different Point Of You"  2004
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