Christmas 9

Playlista 2012.08.22

Artur Chachlowski

New albums of No-Man, Mystery, Raven Sad, No-Man and The Prog Collective

 1. ASGARD Land Of The Darkwood 4:30  "Imago Mundi"  1993
 2. NO-MAN My Revenge On Seattle 6:00 "Love And Endings" 2012
 3. Ian ANDERSON What-Ifs, Maybes And Might Have- Beens 3:35 "Thick As A Brick 2" 2012
 4. MYSTERY Superstar 6:55 "The World Is A Game" 2012
 5. IMMINENT SONIC DESTRUCTION Driving Home 10:00 "Recurring Themes" 2012
 6. TER'AZUR Full Circle 6:05 "Falling Asleep" 2011
 7. THE PROG COLLECTIVE Social Circles 8:00 "The Prog Collective" 2012
 8. ALKOZAUR White Room 6:40 demo 2012
 9. MORTAL PORTAL Aloneman 4:10 "Aloneman" 2012
 10. RAVEN SAD Door Almost Closed 6:35 "Layers Of Stratosphere" 2011
 11. RAVEN SAD The Highest Cliff 6:15 "Layers Of Stratosphere" 2011
 12. ASGARD Transmigration (On A Blow Of Immense) 6:25 "Imago Mundi" 1993
 13. ASGARD Virtue - Land Of Eternal Snows 4:30 "Imago Mundi" 1993
 14. ASGARD Fortitude - Land Of The Waves 4:25 "Imago Mundi" 1993
 15. ASGARD Imagination - Land Of Thule And Tir-Na-Nog 6:25 "Imago Mundi" 1993
 16. ASGARD Justice - Land Of Silver Drakkar 4:10 "Imago Mundi" 1993
 17. ASGARD Nobility - Land Of Borealis Aurora 5:30 "Imago Mundi" 1993 
 18. I AND THOU Go Or Go Ahead  6:40 "Speak" 2012
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