Za kilka tygodni nowy album Mostly Autumn

Artur Chachlowski

Już za kilka tygodni w ręce fanów trafi dwupłytowa wersja nowej studyjnej płyty grupy Mostly Autumn. Oficjalna premiera krążka (1 CD) zatytułowanego "Graveyard Star" nastąpi 24 września.


Disc 1
1. Graveyard Star
2. The Plague Bell
3. Skin of Mankind
4. Shadows
5. The Harder That You Hurt
6. Razorblade
7. This Endless War
8. Spirit of Mankind
9. Back in These Arms
10. Free To Fly
11. The Diamond
12. Turn Around Slowly
Disc 2 (Limited Edition only)
1. The Show is On
2. Into the Valley of Death Rode the Six Hundred
3. Check in Your Eyes
4. Side Effect
5. Swallows
6. Heading for the Mountains
7. Mountain Highway
8. This House

Bryan Josh - Guitars, Vocals
Olivia Sparnenn - Vocals
Iain Jennings - Keyboards
Chris Johnson - Guitars
Andy Smith - Bass Guitar
Angela Gordon - Flute, Keyboards
Henry Rogers - Drums

oraz goście:

Troy Donockley (Nightwish) 
Chris Leslie (Fairport Convention)
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