"The Progressive Underground Volume 5": ukazała się kolejna książka Keva Rowlanda

Artur Chachlowski

Ukazała się kolejna, piąta już część serii "The Progressive Underground" - kolekcji recenzji albumów z kręgu rocka progresywnego autorstwa naszego redakcyjnego kolegi, Keva Rowlanda. Książka została wydana przez oficynę Gonzo Media i jest już dostępna na platformach cyfrowych, takich jak Amazon.

Zalążkiem serii było opublikowanie recenzji, któe napisał Kev w latach 1991-2006, ale po ich ukazaniu się w formie trzech pierwszych książek, było zapotrzebowanie na więcej, a więc opublikowane zostały kolejne teksty Keva z lat 2008-2013 w tomie 4. Teraz dotarliśmy do tomu 5 z rezenzjami z lat 2014 - 2018.

Seria dzięki szczegółowemu podejściu do tematu oraz efektownej grafice Martina Springetta, spotkała się z powszechnym uznaniem, a Record Collector nazwał ją nawet „Biblią progresywnego rocka”. 

Oto artyści, którzy znaleźli się w "The Progressive Underground Volume 5": 25 Yard Screamer, 3rdegree, 7 Ocean, A Big Goodbye, ABWH, Acqua Fragile, Afenginn, Alan Charles, Alan Reed, Alex Carpani, Algabas, Also Eden, Altavia, Amorphis, Apogee, Argos, Arkaik, Art Rock Circus, Art Zoyd, Artemiy Artemiev & Karda Estra, Asia, Atomic Rooster , Band of Rain, Barock Project, Barrows, Bauda, Big Big Train, Bionatops, Birzer Bandana, Blow Up Hollywood, Brad Garton & Dave Soldier, Bubblemath, Bugenhagen, Cairo, Captain of the Lost Waves, Carsten Sindvald, Cast, Cave, Charlie Cawood, Cheer Accident, Christina, Circle, Circu5, Clive Nolan, Coburg, Colin Tench project, Cormorant, Coshish, Cozhe, Credo, Damanek, Davey Dodds, Dean Watson, Deluge Grander, Descend, Dewa Budjana, Diablo Swing Orchestra, Dialeto, Discipline, Disen Gage, Drifting Sun, Dusan Jevtovic, Dwiki Dharmawan, Echoes, Eclipse Sol-Air, Eden Shadow, Edison's Children, El Trio, Elegant Simplicity, Elephant Plaza, Epica, Eric Gillette, ESP, Eternal Wanderers, Excellion, Existence, Eyesberg, Family Free Rock, Faunch, Fen, Flames of Genesis, Flaming Row, Fractal Mirror, Frozen Ocean, Gadi Caplan, Galahad, Gazpacho, Gentle Knife, Glorious Wolf, Goblin, Gridfailure, Half Past Four, Heliopolis, Henning Pauly, Hibernal, Hidden Lands, House of Rabbits, Huis, Iamthemorning, Ichthyander Dad's Only Dolphin, If, Il Castello Di Atlante, Il Segno del Comando, Il Tempio Delle Clessidre, Iluzjon, Investinmolden, Invisigoth, IQ, Isproject, It Bites, Its.True.Mentality, Izz, Jack Lancaster & Rick van der Linden, Jadis, Jam It!, Jeff Green Project, Jeremy, Joanne Hogg & Frank Van Essen, John Bassett, Jolly, JPL, Jump, Jupiter Society, Kalin Tonev, Karda Estra, Karibow, Karnataka, Kev Ellis, Konchordat, La Torrre Dell Alchemista, Lava Engine, Lee Abraham, Lee Abraham/Steve Kingman, Lego Lepricons, Lion Shepherd, Liquid Shadow, Lisa Larue Project 2K9, Little Tragedies, Lives & Times, Loonypark, Lorian, Los Random, Lost World Band, Lunar Cape, Lynn Stokes & Sol Surfers, Machine Mass, Machine Mass feat. Dave Liebman, Magenta, Majestic, Markus Reuter, Martin Springett, Matte Henderson, Matthew Parmenter, Mayan, Mice On Stilts, Michael Søbygge, Millenium, Mind Portal, Mindfields, Miriodor, Modest Midget, Mogador, Moloken, Moonrise, Multi Story, Murder and Parliament, My Eternel, Mystery, Naxal Protocol, Ne Obliviscaris, Nemezis, Nerissa Schwarz, Nick Magnus, Nigel Mazlyn Jones, Nightwish, Nosdrama, Novelists, NY In 64, Octopie, Openspace, Opeth, Orange Clocks, Osta Love, Ovrfwrd, Pandora Snail, Paradise 9, Parzival's Eye, PBII, Perfect Beings, Persona Grata, Perspire, Pocket Size, Pravda, Preacher, Presto Ballet, Quantum Fantay, RC2, Red Bazar, Red Jasper, Retrospective, Richard Wileman, Rick Miller, Rick Wakeman, Robert Berry, Robert Reed, Robert Wyatt, Rog Patterson, Roz Vitalis, RSC, Rubycone, Ryan Yard, Salva, Schnauser, Seasons of Time, Sea-Vine, Sectlinefor, Security Project, Shadow Circus, Sheckley, Shephers of Cassini, Shibalba, Siiilk, Silhouette, Silver Hunter, Simakdialog, Simon Godfrey, Sky Architect, Solstice, Soniq Theater, Sophya Baccini's Aradia, Soul Enema, Soul Secret, Soundrise, Sounds Like the End of the World, Spiral Key, Steve Howe, Steve Hughes, Steve Thorne, Subject To Thoughts, Sunrise Sunset Project, Superdrama, Susan Clynes, Synaethesia, Synaptik, Syncage, t, Take Me Far Away, Taylor's Universe, Thank You Scientist, The Black Noodle Project, The Bob Lazar Story, The Dead Centuries, The Fierce and the Dead, The Hirsch Effekt, The Intersphere, The Lazarus Trio, The Nonexistent, The Pilgrim, The Room, The Skys, The Steve Bonino Project, The Thirteenth Sun, The Wood Demons, Thieves' Kitchen, Thinking Plague, Three Monks, Threshold, Ticket to the Moon, Tiger Moth Tales, Tim Burness, TNNE, Tohpati Ethnomission, Tolerance, Tom Slatter, Toxic Smile, Trem do Futro, Trioxyde, Trojan Horse, Tucana, Twelfth Night, UKOG, Ultranova, Uncreated Light, Universal Totem Orchestra, Unwritten Pages, Valdez, Vangough, Visions Project, Walfad, Wet Rabbit, Whalephant, When Mary, Whitewater, Wingfield Reuter Stavi, Wingfield Reuter Stavi Sirkus, Winter, Wintersun, Wobbler, Wolfspring, World Trade, Xavi Reija, Xbray, X-Panda, Yes, Yeti Rain, Yuval Ron and Residents of the Future, Zero Times Everything, Zevious

Author Page    https://www.amazon.com/author/kevrowland

Music Bio        http://www.progarchives.com/Collaborators.asp?id=5626


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