Summer with 'Alchemy': An Interview with Chris Longman

Marek J. Śmietański

Summer with 'Alchemy': An Interview with Chris Longman

Image1. How did your adventure with 'Alchemy' start?

Chris: My involvement in 'Alchemy' started though my old university friend David Clifford, with whom I shall be co-directing the theatrical version of 'Alchemy'. We had just renewed our friendship via facebook and David asked me if I would be interested. I have many years of musical theatre experience, and David is also playing the romantic lead in 'Alchemy', so I agreed to take on half of the directorial burden.

2. How did your work routine look like while recording the album and preparing for the Katowice concert?

Chris: Unfortunately I was drafted in very late for the live show in Katowice so I missed being on the studio album. I was asked to play the role of Benjamin Greaves only a few days before the live show in Katowice. So learning the songs was a little stressful. But I had one rehearsal with Clive the day before flying to Poland to iron out any problems. Hopefully nobody noticed on the night. 

3. Do you expect the theatre version of 'Alchemy' in Cheltenham to be more difficult than the Katowice show?

Chris: I am a theatrical actor and director by trade, so I'm more used to theatrical shows. The Cheltenham show will certainly be more difficult. We are looking to tell the tale believably to a standard theatre-going audience, and although prog fans will be in evidence, the future of the show really depends on the general public buying-in to Clive's vision. I think Clive has written a masterful piece of musical theatre, so it is up to us at the Caamora Theatre Company to devise a masterful piece of theatre to go with it.

4. Do you think 'Alchemy' will affect your future career and did your past musical experience help in the 'Alchemy' project?

Chris: My involvement in 'Alchemy' has already secured my band Metropolis, airplay on Polish radio, so the affects are already being felt. It has also given me the chance to work with some extremely talented individuals, so who knows where those relationships  might lead in the future. It's difficult to speculate. But certainly anything that is good for 'Alchemy' and myself is also good for Metropolis, so bedfellows they will have to be for the moment.

5. Was it your first visit to Poland and how will you remember it?

Chris: This was my first trip to Poland, although my father did business here in the 1980's. I have to say I love the place. The people I met were friendly, welcoming and generous. I'd certainly be more than happy to bring Metropolis here in the future. I will remember this visit primarily through the people I made friends with while here. I knew only one member of the cast, and I had met Clive only once prior. It has rooted my friendship, both personally and professionally with everyone. And in a way the whole thing - especially due to my late inclusion, seems a little like a dream. Thankfully the photos prove I was there! Roll on September.

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