Indoctrine - Unto The Fall EP

Kev Rowland

ImageThis is the second EP from Finnish act Indoctrine who only got together in 2012. It is melodic death, with some Black Metal influences, and it is obvious that the Gothenburg scene has had quite an impact on them. But while these six songs show that they know what they are doing and what they want to achieve, for some reason this doesn’t really hit the mark with me. I think the issue is that while they put themselves forward as a melodic death outfit there is actually a lot of BM in what they are doing and while that isn’t usually a problem, here it doesn’t really gel and works against the main thrust as opposed to complementing it. Much of that is down to the vocals which don’t really work with the music as they are just too harsh and brutal – nothing wrong with that I hear you say, but there is something here that isn’t quite right. Not bad at all, with lots going for it, but there isn’t anything here to get overly excited about.
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