3rdegree - Human Interest Story

Kev Rowland

ImageWhen I heard the 2012 album ‘The Long Division” I was blown away, and also somewhat alarmed that here was yet another band that had been going for some years but I had not come across before. Robert Pashamn then kindly sent me a copy of their 2008 album, which I also loved, but I hadn’t heard any of their material that was released prior to their split. That has now been corrected as 10t Records have issued a remastered version of their 1996 album ‘Human Interest Story’. Now, I can’t compare the sonic quality to the original self-released edition as I haven’t heard it, but I do know that the sound quality on this is extremely good indeed. It also comes with a bonus song, but the track sequence has been amended and it appears that the band have taken the opportunity revisit this without actually re-recording anything.

The first thing that strikes the listener is that this doesn’t sound as if it is the best part of 20 years old, but rather sounds fresh and striking, almost as if it is a follow-up to the last album as opposed to one that preceded it by many years. As with all of their albums, this comes across as melodic and immediate with strong vocals, good harmonies, great pianowork and keyboards, strong guitar (with a nice use of both acoustic and electric) and a rhythm section that gets it just right. The band always strikes me as being heavily influenced by City Boy, along with Steely Dan, Alan Parsons Project and Peter Gabriel among others. They know a hook when they hear one, yet also know when to thrown in a hard edge to crate impact. Listen to “Top Secret” and you will see what I mean, as the guitar is quite abrasive with strong keyboards and the whole band punching hard while George’s vocals are clear and rising above it all. This could easily have found it’s way on City Boy’s ‘The Day The Earth Caught Fire’: and given that this album is one of my all-time favourites that isn’t something I say lightly.

This is the third of their four albums that I have heard, and it is three for three as yet again I find myself unable to give this anything but 5 *’s. The more I play it the more I love it, and each time I find something else to enjoy and concentrate on. Superb.

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