Doomsday Kingdom, The - Never Machine EP

Kev Rowland

The story of The Doomsday Kingdom when Candlemass mastermind Leif Edling collapsed due to a severe case of chronic fatigue syndrome. He put the band on hold while he recovered, and was told by his doctor that he had to rest and do nothing, but he felt that he had to play his acoustic guitar every day, even if just for a few minutes, and after a while he realised that he was writing material that was different to what he had been doing with both Candlemass and Avatarium, so possibly he ought to start another outfit, and this is the result. This four-song EP is a taster for a full-length album due out in a few months, and while still heavily doom laden also has more vitality than one normally expects from that musical movement. Leif says that he has tried to bring together his love of classic Sabbath with NWOBHM and early Eighties Metal, and overall I would say that he has succeeded. There is a wonderful Hammond sound during “The Sceptre” that makes the listener feel that they have gone back in time thirty-five years. These four songs are certainly going to whet the appetite for anyone who enjoys this type of metal, and I look forward to the debut album with great interest.

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