While She Sleeps - You Are We

Kev Rowland

Ten years down the track and British quintet While She Sleeps are still pounding the metalcore scene. Now, I have been known to bounce my noggin at some of these bands (Bullet For My Valentine and the mighty Whitechapel spring to mind immediately), but what about these guys? Well, if I had written the review after just one play of the album then it probably wouldn’t have been positive, as it washed right over me. But, I know from experience that albums have to be played a few times at least before reviewing, and the more I blasted this out the more I realized that much to my initial annoyance I was actually enjoying it!

The singalong choruses on numbers such as “Feel” are still really annoying, and I feel that the melodic sections are often too melodic and distracting from the rest of the song, but when these guys decide to put their heads down and hits the riffs they honestly groove like bastards. One can just feel the sweat pouring off the band and their audience as the mosh kicks in, and I just wish that they were full on more of the time, just keeping it turned up to 11 and cranking it out. So, a reasonable album, but if metalcore is your thing then this is probably worth seeking out as your opinion could well be different to mine.

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