NY In 64 - The Gentle Indifference Of The Night

Kev Rowland

Justin Hock (guitars) and Thomas Schlatter (bass) were both originally in ‘90’s screamo band, You And I. After a rather lengthy break from writing music together they again started collaborating, and brought in Chris Alfano (drums) and Seth Rheam (guitars) (both from progressive act East of the Wall) to create a new instrumental band, NY IN 64. This is their second album, (six songs, a fraction under thirty-three minutes in length), and with two pairs of musicians from quite different musical backgrounds it is probably not surprising that in some ways this comes across as a rather strange combination of hardcore and progressive metal.

The former is the most prevalent, but what makes this so interesting is that just when the listener feels that the energy and raw aggression is about to be taken to a whole new level they can suddenly change tack and become something far more akin to shoegaze! At times, they all combine to provide slabs of sound that wouldn’t sound out of place from Kyuss, yet can still channel Life of Agony when the time is right. This won’t be for everyone, but is interesting, and as well as being released on vinyl can also be streamed https://magicbulletrecords.bandcamp.com/album/ny-in-64-the-gentle-indifference-of-the-night so why not give them a listen?

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