Ye Banished Privateers - First Night Back In Port

Kev Rowland

According to their website, “Ye Banished Privateers takes you 300 years back in time for an imaginary journey through the harsh life at sea during the early 18th century. With songs inspired by traditional Irish and Scandinavian folk music, acting and elaborate historical clothing the privateers tell a story about the rough sailor’s life, lived on the other side of the law– and the fight against oppression and nationalism.  Together, the nearly 30 crew members take turns to go on tour and plunder, and with around a dozen sailors on stage no two shows are ever the same. The mix of rude folk and punk music invites you to dance and sing along, while the gripping ballads will make the toughest pirate heart soft."

Now, I have rather eclectic and wide tastes of music, so will happily go from playing the most extreme metal one can imagine to acoustic blues, golden age of jazz, AOR, progressive rock etc., and I have more than one or two folk or folk rock albums in my collection. I’m even travelling from New Zealand to the UK for Fairport Convention’s 50th Anniversary Cropredy festival, and I am looking forward to again hearing many great folk bands including the incomparable Show of Hands. But, when it comes to shanties I must confess that hearing one played after another can be a little too much, so to come across a complete album isn’t exactly something I look forward to.

Now, they all know what they are doing, but the musical style and “salty” lyrics make me think this is a band that would be enjoyed much more onstage than on album. Go and see the show, and then if you enjoy it then buy the album to reminisce, but it must be that way around. If you are intrigued, the site lists many shows, and shows all of those involved in their pirate garb,    

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