Licence - Licence 2 Rock

Kev Rowland

This album takes me back, probably to about 1980 or 1981. By then the NWOBHM had already spawned some great bands, some of whom broke the mould and went onto greater things than one could ever imagine (stand up Iron Maiden, Def Leppard and Saxon), while some had major influences on the metal scene (Venom, Raven). Others released iconic singles (Tygers of Pan Tang, Fist, Holocaust, Handsome Beasts, Witchfynde, Mythra), while some released important albums (Angel Witch) before either vanishing or never reaching the heights they seem to be capable of. Of course, the bands mentioned are not an exhaustive list, and I saw some of these plus many others at festivals and gigs, but there was also always a second tier of those who meant well but lacked the songs to generate the interest.

That last is exactly what we have here, with this band formed in 2014 by guitarist Steam Thiess, who has his daughter Jacky as lead singer. She sneers her way through the material, as if hoping that her attitude will make up for the lack of interesting songs. Basic at best, there may well be a market for this, but not with those who experienced the real thing the first time around.

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