Sheckley - Sunburst

Kev Rowland

Sheckley are basically a duo, created by Phil Jackson (keyboards, percussion, also in Paradox One) and Richard Gorman (guitar, vocals, percussion), although they are joined by Thierry Sportouche (Silver Hunter) on one song where he provides keyboards and vocals. This is music with a great deal of space within it, and a rawness that one rarely finds within progressive rock. At times I am reminded of Gong, at others Robert Wyatt, while Hawkwind have also been an influence. It also has a lot in common with the more ambient workings of Brian Eno, but never falling into the trap of New Age.

This isn’t always easy music to listen to, with songs such as “Solar Flares” channeling a RIO feel to proceedings with repetitive and contradictory musical themes, with drums that make an appearance here and there almost as an afterthought, but having an important part to play. By the time I had finished playing it the first time I couldn’t actually say that I enjoyed the album, possibly more “endured”, but there was something about it that did make me go through it again. There really is something quite compelling about this, even though it is hard to put it into words. With this one it really is a case of listening to it and everyone making their own decision. Available as a cut-price CD, it is also possible to stream through Bandcamp where you can hear the songs.


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