Madison Roam - Madison Roam

Kev Rowland

ImageThis is the debut album by Madison Roam, who formed in 2009 and since then they have been playing anywhere and everywhere in their native Finland. I haven’t seen a picture of the band, but if the music is anything to go by then they will be some sort of weird hybrid between Hanoi Rocks and Cinderella with some solid pop rock hooks behind them. In many ways this is quite a diverse album, with the band not being afraid to slow it down and mix it up. The vocals are full of depth and emotion, somewhat reminiscent of Phil Lewis but with a more breathy, fuller quality.

There are some seriously good songs on here, with melodies and a strong sense of not taking themselves too seriously (“Dick’s Song” kicks off as a great Tenacious D number before moving into a reggae beat). This is a fun album, and one that most will enjoy without reservation.

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